They have the traditional clowns (this is Grandma's farewell tour, so if you want to get one last glimpse, you'll have to go before this tour ends on January 8, 2012) who provide comic relief, do some pretty amazing magic tricks, and play some fun tunes.

What I thought was the best performances were turned in by the animals, which included horses, dogs, a porcupine, and what looked like a giant ground hog (but was probably some animal I just don't know). They weren't doing phenomenal tricks. They were just cute and presented well (which makes all the difference and makes them even more accessible--yes, I think I can teach my miniature poodle biscuit to do some of those things).
Although they were not as polished or perfected as the Cirque du Soleil acrobats, I thought the Chinese (Mongolian?) acrobats were also pretty fantastic. They had great balancing, tumbling, and gymnastics performances. My favorite was the human pyramid jumping rope! (see right).

Again, the Big Apple Circus is not as flashy as some other shows I have seen, but it was wonderfully homey in a festive way. Surprising for the glitz of NYC, it is a heartwarming way to take a break from the frenzy of the shopping season and bring in the good feelings of the holiday season.
Ticket prices range from $15-$95 (from mezzanine to ringside), but you can get up to a 50% discount on the ringside (more expensive) tickets through